Beranda / Penghargaan Taiwan Excellence / Award Winning Products / Product Details

Smart Automatic Clothes Distributor
Jenis industri:Alat kesehatan dan presisi
Kode produk:ST-CW5018L4 / ST-CX5022L4
award 3

Sehubungan dengan pandemi Covid-19, rumah sakit sangat membutuhkan perangkat otomatis untuk mengurangi risiko kontaminasi silang terutama dalam proses pengambilan selimut dan baju pada pasien dan staf medis. Saat ini perusahaan TRONCO telah menandatangani kontrak kerja sama proyek penelitian dengan NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital). Perangkat ini merupakan teknologi pengembangan bersama dan telah dipatenkan. Selain digunakan untuk rumah sakit, industri perhotelan atau industri lain yang menggunakan selimut dan baju ganti, Smart Automatic Clothes Distributor dapat digunakan untuk menghindari penyebaran penyakit dan menghemat tenaga kerja, memberikan solusi yang ekonomis, nyaman dan efektif.

Inovasi nilai Smart Automation Clothes Distributor:

Ukuran kecil
Perangkat ini menyediakan kapasitas maksimum dalam ukuran kecil. Dengan desain mekanis yang unggul, perangkat ini memberikan prosedur pendistribusian baju pasien yang teratur dalam ruang terbatas.

Prosedur distribusi tercepat
Pengambilan baju antara dua pasien hanya memerlukan waktu 10 detik, mencegah kemungkinan kekacauan yang disebabkan oleh waktu tunggu antrean yang lama.

Informasi maksimal
Smart Automation Clothes Distributor dapat menampilkan status baju waktu nyata untuk memberitahu unit pendukung rumah sakit (seperti instalasi laundry) mengisi ulang baju jika diperlukan dan mengurangi inspeksi harian akan jumlah baju tersedia. Perangkat ini juga memungkinkan pengelola melihat status operasional mesin Smart Automation Clothes Distributor dari komputer dan menerapkan tindakan yang diperlukan tepat waktu.

Penggunaan daya minimum
Maksimum konsumsi daya kurang dari 400W, lebih kecil dari PC biasa, mewujudkan konsep ramah lingkungan.

Pertanyaan produk


TRONCO ELECTRIC MACHINERY INC. was founded in 1994 and goes by the name TRONCO both at home and abroad. Early on, its operations were largely the manufacture and sale of infrared sensors and electric drop bolts for access control. In 1999, it started to put its heart into the development and manufacture of brushless motors. That is when the company's core competence came to develop: system integration (control, drive and motor) and mechanical design. Since then, the company has become an expert on applications of efficient motors. Three major product lines: A. Intelligent architectural automation: various automatic doors and their peripherals B. Green energy: environmentally-friendly power systems (rotation for power) C. Energy-saving electric products: auto control, motor drive and drive systems for LED lighting Besides, TRONCO has been actively in cooperation with companies in different industries.

TRONCO was established in 1994. In the beginning, we mainly developed and manufactured infrared sensors and electric drop bolts for access control. Our reliable products built a good reputation in Taiwan. Before the establishment, TRONCO had had more than three decades of practical experience in the field of construction metal engineering, making it one of the best system integrators today. In technology development, TRONCO often has technical cooperation with world renowned companies, and helps train students at domestic universities, while introducing innovative ideas and advanced technology from all around the world. In the future, we will continue to enhance our expertise and work hard to offer good after-sales service. With a relentless dedication to our career, we will develop products with customers' needs in mind, so that customers can trust us and we will become a total-solution provider in the industry.

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