Beranda / Penghargaan Taiwan Excellence / Award Winning Products / Product Details

Jenis industri:Komputer dan Software
Kode produk:PC168 /PC169
Just Mobile Ltd.
award 3

Menggabungkan Smart Material terbaru dan teknik lengkungan 3D, lapisan pelindung yang kuat, tidak mudah retak dan dapat menutupi sisi ujung dan sudut melengkung dengan rapat, lapisan bahan olesan intensitas tinggi yang berfungsi memperbaiki diri sehingga dapat meratakan bekas goresan dan lecet yang ringan dan tipis dengan cepat, membuat sisi luar selalu tampak baru dan mengkilat dengan kondisi mendekati gadget yang tidak dilapisi apa pun, dan membuat anda dapat menunjukkan nilai estetika dari rancangan original iPhone dengan percaya diri.

Pertanyaan produk

Tentang kami Just Mobile Ltd.

Just Mobile is a premium aluminum accessory maker for mobile products. Established since 2005, Just Mobile design objects now include over 40 lines of products, many of which have won prestigious international design awards. Our channel includes every major market in the world, including The Apple Store and the NY MoMA design store. Our design team includes some of the world’s top product designers - from our in-house team to the master visionaries at Tools Design and Jakob Wagner of Denmark. Everything that we do is guided by our vision to unify form and function, to create beautiful products that solve real-life problems, to create iconic lasting accessory that people cherish and use for life.

Just Mobile

Informasi kontak

Telepon kantor, ekstensi:04-22958558#37

Fax kantor:04-22951558

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