Beranda / Penghargaan Taiwan Excellence / Award Winning Products / Product Details

Jenis industri:Alat kesehatan dan presisi
Kode produk:
Step2Gold Co., Ltd.
award 2

1. Ringan, dengan berat hanya 900 gram, kombinasi tongkat dengan dudukan untuk beristirahat
2. Dudukan dapat diturunkan hanya dengan dua jari dalam hitungan detik
3. Pusat gravitasi dekat dengan cengkeraman tangan, sehingga pengguna tidak perlu mengayun
4. Pegangan yang lebih nyaman dan ukuran kursi yang dapat disesuaikan untuk kenyamanan

Pertanyaan produk

Tentang kami Step2Gold Co., Ltd.

We use the word, Gold, in our company name to praise the golden stage of our lifetime. To senior citizens, their lives reach the golden time, with their experiences and wisdom gained from the past tens of years, so that they live in a more wise and joyful way. However, contrary to the spiritual maturity, most senior citizens are faced with the same problem of disappointedly-declining health conditions.<br /><br />Step2Gold aims to provide innovative products to enrich our lives. We work on innovative products and outstanding designs, with an ultimate goal of enriching human lives. In a long term, we sincerely hope to provide more innovative products to extend the golden time of everyone's life.


Informasi kontak

Telepon kantor, ekstensi:04-23148282#21

Fax kantor:04-23161837

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