Beranda / Penghargaan Taiwan Excellence / Award Winning Products / Product Details

Jenis industri:Komputer dan Software
Kode produk:CRONOS AD
Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd.

TteSports Cronos AD Headset adalah headset stereo yang sangat fungsional dioptimalkan untuk kedua game FPS dan penggunaan mobile. Headset ini memiliki dua kabel yang dapat dilepas, satu untuk digunakan dengan PC gaming dan satu lagi untuk digunakan dengan ponsel.

Pertanyaan produk

Tentang kami Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd.

Thermaltake Technology, delivering the perfect user experience, has inherited the bright halo and passion of the sun emblem to fulfill users’ needs by leading the industries of PC DIY, professional gaming gears, and Apple accessories with ultimate products of our four brands: Thermaltake, Tt eSPORTS, LUXA2, and Tt APOLLOS professional e-Sports team. Thermaltake Technology continues with the spirit of brand innovation , and to combine its enthusiastic atmosphere of having the ambition to become innovative and adventurous into enterprise space. Thermaltake will continue practicing the three pillars of the organization: “Quality”, “Performance”, and “Reliability” which symbolize Thermaltake Technology’s faith to lead the industry, thus extending the standards of products and services for a brighter future!


Informasi kontak

Telepon kantor, ekstensi:(02)8797-5788#2120

Telepon kantor, ekstensi:02-87975788#2309

Fax kantor:02-87978055

Telepon kantor, ekstensi:02-87975788#2115

Fax kantor:02-87978055