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award 3

研華宝元(Advantech LNC)のM5800/6800は、市場において最高のコストパフォーマンスを誇る精密フライス盤制御器です。強化された高速演算コア、耐久性の高いファンレス設計、極めて高い耐油・耐塵性を備えます。操作は簡単で、機能は充実、高い安定性を誇ります。ユーザー側で2次開発ツールによる開発が可能で、マシニングセンタ、彫刻機、ボール盤、金型加工機、歯科用ミリングマシン等のフライス盤関連機器に対応します。6ルート・32軸制御の強力な能力を備え、小型ワークセル管理が可能。またEtherCAT通信プロトコルにより視覚システムを素早く統合。スマートセンサ等のスマートな周辺機器とともにスマートな機体を生み出します。



研華寶元數控股份有限公司 について


Advantech-LNC, founded by Mr. Michael Kuo in 2000 and was named LNC Technology. At that time, it’s very difficult to get into the fields of high-end controller which is a market dominated by Japanese and European brands. Mr. Guo makes up his mind and devotes all effort to develop a series of products which are capable to compete with Japanese and European products. Mr. Kuo believes Taiwan-made controllers deserve to be shown by the world and have the strength to be compared with world-grade brands, therefore, Mr. Kuo named the brand as LNC , Leading Numerical Controller. LNC becomes a new star in machine control industry and the brach in china is established next year. Company keeps growing rapidly and also a well-known brand soon. To achieve the goal of being a world-class brand, Mr. Kuo accepts the invitation to join the world-leading IPC group, Advantech Technology. Keeps working on Taiwan controllers and now is the leading brand controller in Chinese region.
