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セルフ閲覧・貸出システムHyRead Kiosk
award 3

HyRead Kioskは、電子書籍及び雑誌の閲覧サービスシステムで、検索、選択、QRコードスキャンによる貸し出しサービスを提供できます。どんなユーザーにも評価される高い品質と魅力を誇る本製品は、以下の革新的特徴があります。1. 電子雑誌の「新刊情報」が一目瞭然 2. インタラクティブなタッチパネルと興味を誘う動く表紙 3. 自ら読者と触れ合う機械 4. テーマ別書展等、常に更新されるホットなキーワード 5. QRコード自動生成でコスト削減



凌網科技股份有限公司 について


HyRead was founded in 2010 by Hyweb Technology, providing quality content of eBooks and eMagazines. The HyRead eBook solution has been deployed in well over 1000 libraries in the world, and the adoption of HyRead solution in academic libraries has archived 100%. HyRead eBook is currently Taiwan's largest traditional Chinese eBook platform, and actively expands overseas business, including Hong Kong , Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and other regions. HyRead eBook supports different devices to use, including PC, iPad/iPhone ,Android smart phones and tablets which provide online reading and download reading. Online reading means that readers can open ebooks directly via browser without installing any software. On the other hand, readers can install the software and download to read eBooks, so that readers can read anytime without internet. HyRead provides diverse ways to meet the needs of readers, no space constraint, and let readers always feel free to read.
