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By installing TECO Industry 4.0 Smart Machines Monitor/Control System, the existing machines can be upgraded with the following functions:
1.Operation-Status Reports, in Values and Charts
Real-time status on-demand
Real-time status at Pre-specified times
Mobile-device APP
2.Remote Alarming/Warning
Exceed status value ceilings
Sudden-change of status exceed rate-of-change ceilings
3.Remote Shut-down Mechanism
4.Trend reports on-demand
For early maintenance planning
To improve machine availability
5.Nominal Energy-Consumption Setting
To provide Deviation report for maintenance alert
To save energy-waste
6.Trouble Diagnosis and Repair Suggestions
7.Statistics, Records, Charts
The MHm system helps factory operators gain full grasp of the health conditions of all its factory machines. All features are specially designed for the advantages of owners, as well as service and maintenance staff:
1.In-time, accurate, fast repair-and-maintenance can avoid incidents and increase equipment life time.
2.Add modern and Industry 4.0 images to the factory.
3.Energy Consumption Saving.
4.Electricity Cost Saving
5.Manpower Optimization.
All fits the Industry 4.0 spirit, and can bring about significant money saving.
Founded in 1956 for motor manufacturing, TECO Electric & Machinery forms a green-energy ecological system, capable of providing solutions for energy generation, energy storage, and energy conservation.
For its core electromechanical products, TECO has continued to develop low-carbon industrial solution air system solutions, automated and intelligent products, and optimal energy-conservation, emission-reduction solutions. Concerning green energy, it has been engaged in offshore wind power onshore substations, PV power stations, and energy storage systems, contributing to energy transformation for smart cities. In addition, it has stepped into the production of e-vehicle powertrain, helping with development of smart energy-conserving urban life.
TECO aims to attain "carbon neutrality" and strives to materialize its corporate mission of "energy conservation, emission reduction, intelligence, and automation," in order to create a sustainable future.
Based on its core technologies in electromechanical integration, energy-related engineering, and air solutions, TECO’s three major business groups will serve as the key cornerstones of the internal ecosystem, while the inter-business products and technologies are applied in six major areas areas: smart manufacturing, EV powertrain system, smart energy grid/storage system, offshore wind power business, smart logistics, and smart city applications. In addition, with the ultimate goal of "carbon neutrality", TECO will continue to realize the corporate sustainability and the company vision of “energy conservation, emissions reduction, Intelligence and automation”.
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